Our Career Development Solutions.

  • Lead.

    At Becoming a Willing Student, you’ll learn the most important skill every young leader and entrepreneur needs to learn sooner rather than later – Authentic Leadership. We define Authentic Leadership as becoming the best you so you can lead, build and maintain positive relationships with your team.

  • Engage.

    The most sought-after trait by students worldwide is competitive advantage. What we don't realize is that the best competitive advantage we have is in our career strategy not in our skills, education, or qualifications. At Becoming a Willing Student, you’ll learn how to create strong, authentic and compelling interactions that resonate deeply with your team, and ultimately create true and lasting impact.

  • Build.

    Build trust, consistency, confidence, and relevance at work and in your career. The people around you are your team, whether you know it or not. You are the team leader. Your employers, your customers, your clients, your colleagues, your network, your suppliers, your friends, and your family, are part of your team. Are you leading them or are they leading you? It’s a question you need to ask yourself if you want to become who you want to be.

  • Create.

    Your value as a young leader or young entrepreneur comes from the ability to speak, think, live, and love in a way that honours you and your values. You have to be feeling confident and secure to do this well. You have to be feeling strong. You have to be feeling connected to something bigger than you. You have to be feeling powerful to do this. Not the control kind of power, but the letting go kind of power.

  • Set.

    The reason it’s hard for most young leaders and young entrepreneurs to become who we want to be in our careers and in our lives, and surround ourselves with the right people for our mission is because we haven’t taken the time necessary to discover our own interests, and master our own attitudes and feelings before we set goals. There is a certain level of mastery of yourself that is required before you set goals for yourself or your career. Your goals are how you become who you want to be.

  • Manage.

    Relationship management is all about giving. You need to have the mind-set of abundance. The reason most young leaders and young entrepreneurs are not influential is because they believe they have nothing to give and that the world or other people are withholding from them what they need. Their entire approach to relationship building is based on this thought of lack - whether it is a lack of money, customers, influence, connections, recognition, attention, acknowledgement, or respect. This thinking sabotages your relationship building efforts and limits your potential.

  • Speak.

    The ability to communicate and express yourself with confidence is one of the greatest gifts you can possess as a young leader or young entrepreneur. There is power in being able to communicate effectively and inspire your team through words. Public speaking is one of the fundamental aspects of good communication. Yet many people are so terrified of public speaking that they would rather die than give a speech.

  • Grow.

    If you are feeling stuck in your career and in your life and are looking to unlock the next level of career growth available and elevate yourself from the slush pile of competitors, work with us. We'll show you the missing ingredient in your career. You’ll be inspired to build the career you’ve always wanted. Our innovative career coaching approach will help you break past barriers, take your career to the next level, and achieve your goals faster than the average young leader or young entrepreneur.

  • Develop.

    If you are a young coach or young consultant and are struggling to grow your coaching or consulting business, our business development approach guides you through a customized curriculum that is designed around foundational and high-performance skills, helping to build your capacity so you can be more and do even more. We operate with a proven structure that produces high-performing coaching and consulting businesses and creates transformational business leaders. We focus on helping you build the skills needed to succeed in the new global coaching and consulting marketplace.